CM HeatingTM is your local greater Everett, WA, Snohomish, Skagit and North King County Areas area furnace tune-up specialist! Our team of heating technicians can take care of your furnace, ensuring that it is functioning properly and efficiently. If you want to keep your furnace running smoothly, call CM Heating today to schedule your annual furnace tune-up.
CM Heating provides furnace tune-up services and preventative maintenance to All Major brands of gas furnaces in the Snohomish, Skagit and North King County Areas.
Why Keep Up With Furnace Tune-Up & Maintenance
The team at CM HeatingTM knows how much you need a properly functioning furnace to keep you warm through the Washington winter. A well-maintained furnace will keep the house warm without racking up your heating bills.
When you call CM Heating to schedule a furnace tune-up, our HVAC specialist will arrive and follow a furnace tune-up checklist that involves the following steps:
Check the flue system for safety & carbon monoxide leaks.
Check the return & air filter.
Check all parts for visible wear & tear
Check the gas train and all electrical components/connections for safety
Test thermostat operation
Clean and check the heat pump assembly if necessary
Check proper burner ignition and efficiency
Confirm complete system operation and safety
Experience Unmatched Efficiency and Savings with Our Comprehensive Heating and Cooling System Inspection! At CM Heating, we go beyond a simple check-up—our detailed inspection includes thorough testing of your ductwork to ensure your system is operating at its highest possible efficiency. This meticulous approach not only enhances the performance of your heating and cooling system but also translates to significant savings over time. Our skilled specialists are dedicated to optimizing your current system’s efficiency and addressing any potential breakdowns, helping you achieve long-term comfort and cost-effectiveness.
While you may not be able to perform a full furnace maintenance tune-up at home, there are some things you can do on your own to care for your furnace. Check out the DIY furnace maintenance tune-up list that is easy for anyone to follow below.
Change the Furnace Filter Regularly
The first, and one of the most overlooked, things you can do is change your air filter regularly. Many people leave their air filters for months longer than they should, and some don’t change them. This will impact the health of your heating system over time and could lead to avoidable damage.
As particles and debris build up on the filter, airflow becomes restricted. After enough time, your air filter essentially becomes a wall in your HVAC system. This causes your furnace to lose its energy efficiency and work much harder, costing you more each month on heating bills.
Eventually, your air filter can become blocked enough to get sucked into the system, where it will no longer filter air and could potentially damage your blower motor.
Do Not Block the Vents
Another important fall furnace maintenance step is keeping those vents clear of furniture, plants, and other items. This involves a quick tour of your home to look at all of your air vents or registers, ensuring nothing is blocking your vents.
This could involve trimming or moving plants or repositioning furniture. Unrestricted airflow will keep your furnace working at peak efficiency and can even reduce your energy bills.
Change the Thermostat Batteries
Sometimes, people call an HVAC specialist, assuming that they will need costly repairs to get their furnace to work again. However, upon a thermostat evaluation, the specialist determines that the culprit in the customer’s heating system is a faulty thermostat that needs new batteries.
Furnace Tune-Up & Comprehensive Inspection Services in Everett, WA
If you’re preparing your furnace for the season, you are in the right place. CM Heating is a full-package HVAC company. If you need a gas furnace tune-up or an electric furnace tune-up, our knowledgeable professionals can help.
When to Get a Furnace Tune-Up
Heating system tune-up can be performed any time of year, but the best time is before the weather turns cold. You want to ensure no major issues are keeping your furnace and water heater from functioning properly before you rely on them to get you through the cold weather season.
If your system breaks down during the peak of the heating season, you’ll have to deal with a lot of running around, costly repairs, and discomfort that could have been avoided with a simple furnace tune-up.
Don’t freeze in the cold Washington weather and invest in furnace maintenance today!
What’s Involved in a Furnace Tune-Up
Our furnace tune-up are comprehensive. We’ll check all of the internal components and moving parts, as well as the electrical connections, to make sure your furnace is in tip-top condition. Thanks to this service, you will be warm and cozy in your home all winter long.
As part of our first-class furnace tune-up services, we will do the following:
Inspect the heat exchanger for leaks
Test carbon monoxide levels
Check the exhaust system
Clean the burner
Check and adjust the gas pressure
Test ignition
Inspect gas line connections
Test system controls
Test voltage
Tighten all electrical connections
Inspect the condensate drain and clear it, if necessary
Wipe down interior and exterior of furnace
Calibrate the thermostat
Change “1” filter included or cleaning of existing Electronic Air Cleaners
Even though most modern furnaces are small and compact, they are complex devices that require much care. We make sure your system gets the care it needs. Reach out to us today to take advantage of our comprehensive heater tune-up services.
Why You Need Annual Maintenance
Your furnace depends on annual inspections and tune-up annually to continue functioning properly and at optimal efficiency from year to year. A furnace is like any other piece of equipment you rely on. Here are some benefits of investing in a professional furnace inspection annually:
Save Money
Many homeowners prioritize saving money and one of the ways that is made possible is through routine HVAC maintenance and furnace tune-up. These annual tune-up of older furnace backup services provided by a qualified HVAC technician help your tech find issues before they turn into expensive repairs.
Also, the furnace cleaning “helps keep the air cleaner” and the furnace running at optimal efficiency, allowing you to save money on energy bills.
Prevent Early Furnace Replacement
A well-maintained furnace will last longer than one that is not maintained. This is because the tune-up process allows the HVAC techs to clean the furnace filter, and ensure that the gas pressure is at a good level and that there is proper airflow. This not only prevents costly repairs but also keeps the new furnace itself in good condition.
Maintain Indoor Air Quality
Regularly cleaning and changing furnace filters, gas pressure adjustment, the pilot light, and the blower assembly help maintain the furnace efficiency and the house’s indoor air quality. If the furnace is keeping warm air flowing through the house, but you feel stuffy or muggy, you may benefit from a furnace tune-up.
Why You Need Annual Maintenance
If you are an Everett, WA, resident looking for the best HVAC company, CM Heating has all the solutions you require. We will get your heating system ready for the winter and provide a thorough furnace inspection of your equipment. Do not miss out on top quality furnace tune-up for your home through CM Heating! Contact us today to set up your visit!
Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Leaks
If your furnace is powered by gas, then it must be subjected to a regular furnace tune-up to prevent gas leaks. This part of furnace maintenance is undeniably essential for home safety.
When Maintenance is Not Enough
Sometimes regular maintenance just won't cut it. If your furnace is older than 15 years, regular maintenance will begin to benefit you less and less. If your furnace breaks down frequently, a replacement will be the most cost-effective solution. Here's a common list of problems that older furnaces develop:
Short cycling
Poor efficiency
Large amounts of dust
High energy bills
A lack of heated air in the home
Gas leaks
If you notice these issues, you may need to consult an HVAC technician who specializes in furnaces about a possible replacement or repair.
Keeping You Comfortable
CM HEATINGTM serves your community. When you need a furnace tune-up service, call or click to schedule the furnace maintenance you need to keep your home warm and cozy.